OFF:Re: How to capture the Roadburn Festival webcast to disk

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Fri May 26 04:45:30 EDT 2006

On 26/05/2006 00:51, Jerry G wrote:
>  I haven't bought anything compressed in a while - I think the last 
> thing was a Widespread
> Panic New Years concert only available on iTunes. I prefer to have the 
> physical media, that
> way I can choose which format and what bitrate I want and I can decide 
> where I want to
> listen (car, computer, stereo, mp3 player, friends house, etc.)

Agreed.  I've bought maybe 3 or 4 tracks from iTMS to sooth a few "can't 
get the tune out of my head" or "want to see if these guys suck" kinda 
way -- it's price of a Coke, after all -- but I'm not into buying lossy 
stuff.  On the other hand, I'm very happy buying CD-quality FLAC files 
instead of physical media.  I can burn my own discs, rip it for the 
iPod, or whatever I want.

Thoujgh to buy Panic, I'd hit, which has 87 Widespread 
Panic concerts purchaseable as FLAC (or MP3, I suppose) and a preorder 
for the new studio album :)

iTMS is clearly a "most common denominator" kinda thing.  Once 
connection speeds have increased enough, they'll probably sell in Apple 
Lossless format (similar to FLAC in size), which will be much more 
attractive.  Right now, downloading FLACs is something I leave to go 
overnight or whilst at work.


Carl Edlund Anderson
mailto:cea at

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