How to capture the Roadburn Festival webcast to disk

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Mon May 29 16:52:49 EDT 2006

On Thu, May 25, 2006 at 04:39:05PM +0100, Carl Edlund Anderson typed out:
> Go to eBay and look for illegal CDs of Gov't Mule or Phish or _any_
> other band that encourages audience taping _and_ sells official live
> downloads _and_ AACs through iTunes _and_ sells physical CDs in shops as
> well.  OK, I just had a very cursory look, but I didn't see any illegal
> CDs on eBay from either of those bands.


> So ... is there some good reason Hawkwind wouldn't benefit from a 
> similar process?

	The things that bothers me with such parallels, if I can do my 
usual thing and play devil's advocate, is that the real success stories 
on this field all seem to be in the US jamband scene, which is huge and 
apparently equipped with many wealthy and fanatic fans. And some poor 
fanatic ones also :-) Hawkwind's fanbase just isn't that mobilised, even 
if it might be huge. Also, those bands sell enough that a record label 
can either accept the situation, and the market, or else lump it, but 
Hawkwind can't muster the same sort of leverage. Of course the way to 
change that is to gather the fanbase in by selling stuff to them 
frequently, and I don't see what the band would have to lose except time 
by having live downloads for sale on their site while they're only with 
Voiceprint. They will get bootlegged, but it really should only be 
spillage over the edge of the vessel, if you see what I mean; no-one's 
going to choose the bootleg over a legit copy if they know there's a 
choice, and this is presumably the logic that Metallica finally worked 
out. But I don't think it's going to work as well for HW as it does 
for GM because GM are a special case and so are the bands they play with 
who've been mentioned in this thread, Phish, Widespread Panic, and so 
on. Other scenes really haven't got that kind of coherence IMO. Yours,

ObCD: suckerpunch - Global Village Idiot_
"When fortune wanes, of what assistance are quantities of elephants?"
	    (Juvaini, Afghan Muslim chronicler, c. 1206)
 Jon Jarrett, Fitzwilliam Museum, jjarrett at

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