Those interested in watching the BBC 4 documentary...

Iain Ferguson iainferguson at AOL.COM
Mon Apr 2 09:24:50 EDT 2007

Think Nik have the video, and sound was held by a 3rd party ????

Mind you it seems so long ago now.....

wasn't there issues with sound being not great for the musicnaunts 
onstage, and del & Dik we'rent even plugged in  ( or summit like that).

Lemmy blasted the event as being badly played, and impossible to hear 

don't suppose we'll see the footage in the climate before & since the 

silly buggers

Steve Bishop wrote on 02/04/2007, 13:33:

 > There was some footage of the Hawkestra event on the programme too -
 > what's
 > the status of this please ? Seem to recall that Steve Swindells had
 > the video
 > recording or am I way off-beam on that ? Guess that's also all buried
 > under
 > the Nik / Dave fallout ............... ?
 > Bish
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