(OFF)Re: Astoria last night

non-visible talking head insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Wed Dec 26 22:12:13 EST 2007

((<*>))On 12/26/07, vzenv14m <maryann.sullivan1 at verizon.net> wrote:
> I meant flaming cancer death sticks((<*>))

I'm trying so hard to sleep and can't -so can't resist checking forum,
you would NOT believe the wealth of contrary info about tobacco and the
totally bogus anti-smoking propaganda, to name just one thing, a fellow
tobacconist on a forum just announced that his doctor told him his heart
recovered so quickly because tobacco stimulates : nevermind, here is his
post, but first let me just say that the world is not a safe place but I'm
guessing the gov wants it's taxed worker bees living a while......we need
things to kill people off so there are not too many of us, anyway, here:
As a conservative, I do believe that your statement ultra-right wing
should've been ultra left wing, I have never had a right-wing conservative
tell me I couldn't smoke. I have on the other hand plenty of left wing
liberals get in my face about my right to smoke versus the right to breathe.

I generally tell them if you don't like breathing my smoke, then hold your
breath :-) and that really gets their panties in a wad.

One thing I learned on the subject of health and tobacco use, four years ago
I had a double bypass operation and one of the grafts failed within a year.
Then tried to put in stents and after three different attempts four months
they decided that was too dangerous.

I was then told to basically be sedentary and put on a adrenaline blockers.
Two years later I had a nuclear stress test done with full contrast and when
my cardiologist came in with my test results he had shocked look on his
face. It appears that my heart has grown collateral arteries from the top
down to the bottom where the graft had failed. And in my heart was fully
functional with no signs of heart disease.

He then asked if I was still smoking I told him yes and explained to him I
was no longer smoking premade cigarettes but that I was doing ryo and he
then told me that there was a little-known fact about the last major tobacco
study that showed tobacco use stimulates vien and artery growth.

Now by no means am I saying that tobacco use is healthy, but on the other
hand I figure I will keep doing what has worked for me so far :-)

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