(OFF): HW: RFM lowdown

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Mon Dec 31 04:14:33 EST 2007

but, chortle, you see, ahhhh......I suppose it's time to fess up that I am
able to tap and fully use her ability.....
that's why she's up right now, she just thinks her cat is hungry
so the Stephen Simpson  Hillage (777) solo works are all now remastered???
oh no, time to tap Mary to the gills

On 12/31/07, vzenv14m <maryann.sullivan1 at verizon.net> wrote:
> Sorry, Bill, any psi ability I have is all on an unconscious level, do you
> think I'd be living on what I am if I really could control it?
> Have a happy new year, with Bev, and kitties,
> Love,
> Mare

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