(OFF) Aural Innovations
Stephen Swann
Tue Jul 10 07:15:18 EDT 2007
On Mon, Jul 09, 2007 at 05:11:53PM -0400, vzenv14m wrote:
> Yesterday out of about 30 CDs, I randomly picked out a disc my friend wanted
> to hear, on the first try. People had gone through them, and rearranged
> them, so there was no order, at all to them. She freaked, but knows that
> kind of thing happens to me all the time, the thing was I eluded to the
> fact it would. Sometimes it's a little scary.
My best one was many years ago a friend (someone I had been
friends with for years, so he knew I was much more of a
music nut than he was), came to me with this:
Him: "So, Steve, I've been hearing these three songs on the
radio lately that I really like, and I think they might be
by the same band."
Me: "The album you want is _Fly Me Courageous_, by Drivin'
and Cryin'."
Him: <uncertain look> "Are you sure?"
Me: "Yep."
He bought it on faith, and I was right. ;-)
(Truth is, it wasn't really that hard. I knew my friend's
taste in music, and FMC was getting a lot of airplay at the
time. It didn't take *that* much of a leap to realize that
he'd been hearing Build A Fire, Fly Me Courageous, and The
Innocent, and would have liked all of them. Only the fact
that I leapt to that conclusion by the time he was done
saying "...these three songs" was at all weird.) ;-)
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