HW: live material

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Wed Jul 11 10:19:00 EDT 2007

On 11/07/2007 13:38, Ian Abrahams wrote:
> Not as certain about that as you are - but more to the point, really people aren't talking about current/recent stuff, which if it's archived by the band must be soundboard stuff. We're really talking about 70s material aren't we?

Probably most people are -- but IMO there's probably some worthwhile 
stuff from most periods in the band's history.  I'm disappoint that that 
Roadburn 2006 gig never came out, and I  wouldn't mind hearing more from 
the Electric Teepee-era 3-piece.  I think it would be tough to top that 
expanded release of Live Chronicles that came out from Griffin for that 
period, but you never know what's in the vault until you listen!

On 11/07/2007 13:29, Iain Ferguson wrote:
 > don't forget chaps, that there woyld be royalties to all those
 > involved.

Well, that's supposed be what _normally_ happens -- admittedly, it seems 
would be something of a new and rare event in Hawkwind's history.

I don't think anyone would make a _lot_ of money out of archival 
releases.  That '74 vintage 1999 Party release was about as good as 
anything anyone could hope to turn up, and I don't think it exactly 
burned up the charts ;)  But official archival releases would offer an 
expanded view of the band's history and maybe bring in some beer money 
(at least for the song-writers! ;)

On 11/07/2007 13:31, Kenneth Magnusson wrote:
 > I think the critical issue is to get the sound from tape to
 > what-ever-format (preferably 24/96)! Which has to be done at Dave's
 > place!



Carl Edlund Anderson
mailto:cea at carlaz.com

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