Alan Davey and thoughts and things you can't know

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jul 19 12:33:13 EDT 2007

*<<<<Jon Jarrett, did a good one, midst which he proclaimed:>>> (in a
message dated soon enough to non-digesters)*
*""Ron "basically" has no chance of going back to Hawkwind"" (Mike c's own
words, not Jon's) *
*Mike c , quoting John Kilmister, a pattern, it would seem:  "I don't
believe a word"  (of course, never needed to)*
*suggestion: send him to me, I'll drug him back out and being in Texas will
effect his mind because he thinks he's seen USA, knows the world, and Trev
won't really share Lori with me no matter WHAT BS they give me....*
*Ron will have to enjoy himself SOMEWHAT solo, as I'm not a rocker yet, and
I am old like Nik and Trev, health's bad enough*
*but I'll drink and musically direct him better than it ever was.........*
*Jon wondered what happened to ALAN-ali:   I know, or at least was made to
think so, don't hate me, I really truly cannot tell...there are reasons, and
they are simply private*
*cheers and I wonder just WHAT Judge meant regarding a drummer for his next
"Project"...emphasis on "Project".....Jon I am thinking "out loud" on-forum,
and do not expect you to answer or reply here*
*carry on my alliance *
*michael c (not mick c)*

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