OFF: Dreadzone + Dub Reggae

Maxine Wesley Maxine.Wesley at PORT.AC.UK
Thu Mar 8 06:19:52 EST 2007

Rich sed:

>I'm looking for suggestions about which 'Dreadzone' album to check out 
>first since the few things i've heard have been interesting, and also 
>any other Dub Reggae albums worth a listen. 

My favourite album has to be "Once upon a time.." = quality!! Found it
at a friends the other night and bored him sick by playing it end to

Funnilienuff - I first came across Dreadzone in 2000 at a WOMAD festival
in Las Palmas de las Canarias - I had gone expecting alot more
'multi-culturalism' but discovered that the spanish/black quarter of the
Island consider 'World Music' to be English stuff - makes sense really -
so the festival was a mixture of punk, skiffle and headlining were Edwin
Starr followed by Dreadzone ... (reminds me a bit of that festival in
Norfolk with Hawkwind headlining after Dean Friedman, a gospel choir and
Marie Wilson!).

best regards
(And thanks for reminding me I must buy a Dreadzone Album)

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