Hawkwind bootlegs

Colin Allen colinjallen at YAHOO.CO.UK
Thu Mar 8 12:44:50 EST 2007

Probably because the poor quality recordings go out through a better distributor than the official ones.

Steve Freight <stevefreight at GMAIL.COM> wrote:  One problem seems to be that HMV and Virgin love stocking this stuff over
"official" releases.

Why do they buy them in and not the new legit stuff? Probably 'cos they are
cheap and include a track called Silver Machine.

TMTYF was not stocked until very recently in my local HMV and after pointing
this out initially they suddenly had plenty of copies of welcome to the
future which they ordered by mistake.


On 3/7/07, Carl Edlund Anderson wrote:
> On 07/03/2007 15:19, Stephen Swann wrote:
> > The problem is that for a beginner, there's no easy way to
> > distinguish the crappy bootlegs and shady unauthorized
> > re-releases from the authentic albums.
> One could do worse than start at (or near) the beginning of the list on
> and working forward. But, yes,
> point taken, and that doesn't help much standing in a record shop!
> (On the other hand, I can't remember the last time I bought a CD in a
> shop!)
> Cheers,
> Carl
> --
> Carl Edlund Anderson
> mailto:cea at carlaz.com
> http://www.carlaz.com/

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