HW: Tim's liberty

Colin Allen colinjallen at YAHOO.CO.UK
Wed May 2 07:13:38 EDT 2007

Perhaps they could also re-record the vocals so that they are in modern English.

RLAZ.COM> wrote:  On 01/05/2007 17:17, Colin Allen wrote:
> If anyone wants to know how this is relevant to Hawkwind, my response might be that there is a curious parallel between the number of times that the Magna Carta was reissued with slightly different content, and the frequency with which some HW albums get reissued with slightly different content.

I'm looking forward to a remastered version of the Magna Carta. The 
older releases go for outrageous prices on eBay, and they're not that 
clear, really ....


Carl Edlund Anderson
mailto:cea at carlaz.com

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