[Hawkwind] Re: Fwd: Greasy Truckers CD 0999 503235 2 4

bernhard.pospiech bernhard.pospiech at T-ONLINE.DE
Sun Oct 28 02:24:04 EDT 2007

Thank you Jill.
The CODEX is a very important tool for every serious Hawkwind fan



-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List [mailto:BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET] On
Behalf Of Jill Strobridge
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Hawkwind] Re: Fwd: Greasy Truckers CD 0999 503235 2 4

Codex already updated - by Starfarer 8-)  see his website
http://www.starfarer.net/ under the Resources link

Thanks Steve for looking after this so well!


Jill Strobridge <jill.strobridge at blueyonder.co.uk>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Freight" <stevefreight at GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Hawkwind] Re: Fwd: Greasy Truckers CD 0999 503235 2 4

> Hi again Dave,
> Amazing the tricks your mind and ear can play.
> I've gone back and listened to the 2 versions and can now distinctly hear
> the differences you have highlighted.
> The only thing I'd like to add is that I'm amazed the band were so 
> together
> (if it is not an edit on the newly released version) as to be able to 
> change
> gear so in sinc with each other that it sounds like a cut!!!
> Perhaps if Dave Brock sees this he may be able to shed some light on this.
> Also seems strange that with all the old tape trading that went on a copy 
> of
> this gig never (to my knowledge) surfaced for this issue not to have been
> known previously. As Jill says - time to update the Codex.
> Steve
> PS I've said this before, but think the sound on the new Truckers CD is 
> the
> best of anything previously released from this set.
> On 10/27/07, Dave Brown <vonner at iname.com> wrote:
>>   As a long-standing Hawkfan who actually used to have a copy of the
>> Greasy Truckers LP (but sold it when the price was just right - after
>> taping it of course!), I'm intimately familar with the best version
>> of "Born To Go" ever. I've just received my copy of the CD and I see
>> what Steve means about 3:57. However, I suspect there's something
>> else going on here. I've got the version on Space Ritual, and it is
>> indeed much longer. However...all is not what it seems.
>> I've extracted both tracks to wav format and opened them in Cool
>> Edit. The first thing I noticed is that the version on Ritual (and on
>> the original album) has 30 seconds of Calvert going on about the
>> miners, so I chopped that out so that both versions start at the
>> opening chord.
>> The next thing one notices is that the newly-released version has no
>> echo on the vocals. That tells us before we even start that the
>> original LP version (and the Ritual bonus track) is a remix.
>> Ok, now to look at the timings. I picked some salient points in the
>> song and checked whether they were the same in both versions. Here's
>> what I found:
>> 0:51 - After the intro, the track proper starts. Both versions agree
>> (within a second)
>> 1:29 - The first verse kicks in ("We Were Born To Go"), again both
>> versions.
>> 2:19 - The second verse ("Breaking out of the shell") checks out on
>> both.
>> 2:45 - However, here things go a bit strange. Where I expect the
>> song to go (being familiar with the LP/Ritual Bonus track version) it
>> doesn't. In fact, listening to it again, just after the second verse
>> ends, there's a prominent Simon King drum roll, followed by that big
>> synthesizer "swirl" from earlier in the song. This isn't in the new
>> version, and I think that's because it's an overdub, added from
>> earlier in the song.
>> When we get the verse that starts "We were born to blaze", on
>> the "old" version it's at 3:02, but on the new version it's at 4:15.
>> However, vocally it's sung differently (listen to Calvert on "A
>> nuclear way through space")
>> In fact, in the old version this verse is sung again, at 7:18. This
>> second rendition is vocally identical to the same verse at 4:15 in
>> the new version...and is only sung once.
>> So where's this "alternate" take on the verse from? That's the
>> question. It isn't anywhere in the "new" recording. Personally I'm
>> beginning to suspect it's an overdub added later (with Calvert adding
>> vocals at the mixing stage), and this is the reason why the version
>> on the new CD is shorter - it is in fact the original "as heard on
>> the night" version, and the version we're familiar with has been
>> chopped up a bit, and overdubbed.
>> It would certainly explain that oddness at 3:57. Perhaps it's not
>> actually an edit, but the original song diverging from the version we
>> are familiar with. The version on Space Ritual has certainly been
>> cleaned up and enhanced, so who's to say it wasn't "extended" as
>> well?
>> Only a true Hawkfan could be this sad!
>> Dave
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