Long BoxesRE: (other) HW: collector chat

Amphetamine Embalmer superskrull666 at YAHOO.CO.UK
Sun Sep 23 13:30:26 EDT 2007

I could be 'blind guy' cause I sometimes touch myself in forbidden places (risque, I thought I was a chick first time I did it in 1983, it was bubblegum fantasies of multicolored clowns and lollypop skies).....

Tristian Death, Dr. Rozz W. 
Christian (touchy on the Area 51 business)

PS: Longboxes is a stupid invention of America

NP: Turbonegro - "Ass Cobra" 

----- Original Message ----
From: vzenv14m <maryann.sullivan1 at VERIZON.NET>
Sent: Sunday, 23 September, 2007 12:49:10 AM
Subject: Long BoxesRE: (other) HW: collector chat

If they didn't disappear, I have many in their long boxes, that's kind of a
big "If, having to count on others to store them due to lack of space).

Blind Chick, a musician dubbed me with that name, so, it's an inside joke.
I didn't want you to think Mike was being unkind, I thin

Be seeing you,

Kaduflyer it's funny.

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