Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Fri Aug 1 05:21:30 EDT 2008

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 07:30:43PM -0400, Mary Sullivan typed out:
> Do you have any links, or copies of interviews with Lemmy dealing with the
> psychoacoustics
> they played with back then.  Dave is certainly a master at inducing certain
> states through sound.  You may not be into them, but The Dead were into that
> sort of thing, too, and the subject has always fascinated me.

	Hi Mary,
		 I'm sorry, but a brief play with Google and a search of 
the BOC-L archives doesn't turn up any actual links. From the look of 
this, though, Lemmy was telling this tale to the Sunday Times in 2000:


Everything else is dead links, expired domains or insufficient record 
I'm afraid. But, if it helps, Scott Heller did an interview with him for 
_Aural Innovations_ back in 2000 which is online as audio, RealAudio 


and MP3 here:


"When fortune wanes, of what assistance are quantities of elephants?"
	    (Juvaini, Afghan Muslim chronicler, c. 1206)
 Jon Jarrett, Fitzwilliam Museum, jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk

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