HW 40th Anniversary Show

Steve Swann swann1066 at GMAIL.COM
Mon Mar 16 07:43:33 EDT 2009

Ron is one of the folks from this strange and ever-evolving cast of characters that I would most like to see back on spaceship Hawkwind... Let me guess - Ron's problems were drug related??

Crikey I'm starting to write like coleman....


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Bishop <steve.bishop at DB.COM>
Date: Monday, Mar 16, 2009 6:14 am
Subject: Re: HW 40th Anniversary Show

Sorry if this has been gone over before but I wasn't aware there was any major
prob between Ron or Arthur and Dave ? I thought Ron had been 'moved on' but
that he understood the reasons why and I'm not sure I ever read what happened
with Arthur ........... haven't got that far in Ian Abrahams book yet !!

BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.ISPNETINC.NET> wrote on
16/03/2009 10:04:15:

> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 09:08:23AM +0100, SHLL (Scott Heller) typed out:
> > I have been tossing some mails back and forth with a few about the
> > Portchester Hall gigs in August and I now, really curious what
> > ex-hawkwind members could actually show up and play. I wonder if they
> > have announced this without actually signing anyone on board. If we
> > make a list of the ex-members, besides Huw Lloyd Langton (who I am not
> > really sure can play electric space rock anymore as he was a disaster
> > the last two times I saw him), who else is there:
> >
> > These people will not play with Dave and Co (at least I don't think):
> >
> > Nik, dave anderson, simon house, alan davey, lemmy, jerry richards,
> > ron tree, terry ollis, Thomas Crimble, michael moorcock (probably too
> > ill), adrian shaw, Mick Slattery, Steve Swindells, Harvey Bainbridge,
> > Bridget Wishart, Danny Thompson..
>    This looks like a game for the cynics to play! I think there are
> two different sets here, those who won't play with Dave & Co. and those
> with whom Dave won't play, for example Nik in the former camp and Ron in
> the latter. If Dave was prepared to relax a bit about the exiles (and
> you know, pay in advance) I think this number could be reduced.
> > Maybe:
> >
> > Crum, dik mik, del dettmar, Stacia, martin Griffiths, alan powell,
> > Paul Rudolph (haven't heard of him in years...), Ginger Baker, Andy
> > Anderson, Arthur Brown, Steve Hale, John Harrison
> >
> > I probably have missed a few but it seems to me that Dave only has a
> > few pretty obscure Hawkwind members to choose from...
> >
> > What do people think or predict??
>    Well, let's have a go:
> Dave himself is obviously in
> Mick Slattery possibly not out of solidarity with the Ritual but who
>    knows?
> John Harrison lost in showbiz and probably not `match-fit'
> Nik, yes, well I don't think so, nor do I think it would be a good gig
>    if it could be arranged
> Terry Ollis, as Mr Slattery reall

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