trev judge48 at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed May 27 13:44:48 EDT 2009

isn't this fun...

From: "mike coleman" <insect.brain at GMAIL.COM>
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: THE FURY OF ICU

> On 5/26/09, trev <judge48 at> wrote:
>> Yes, real-time real-time real-time...just exactly do you mean huh,
>> hamburger?
> He slipped the noose of posting fate but.............
>> John might be having fun with concepts...I'd rather have fun with
>> killing...long-drawn-out...painful
> The Atomgods LP sale scheme was a smashing success and you got his home
> address
> huh/huh?huh?huh?
>> what then... what then???
> Concentration on important things like getting as many of us to get "teeth
> blackening" as a defiant statement that the constant barrage of 
> distraction
> and fear being handed out by the sinister PTB is no longer acceptable
> control, and it is time for the USA to prove it deserves to have places 
> like
> AREA 51 funneling dollars away by killing a bunch of morons in the most
> technologically violent ways nobody will be able to figure out. Time to
> clear the news of religious maniacs that do not even deserve to share the
> same planet. Otherwise my far reaching curse will turn all life remaning 
> on
> a future earth into hell and no human will esacpe hell no matter what
> technology you have or what place you travel to
> huh? huh?
>> judge wudge
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Jonathan Jarrett" <jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK>
>> Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 10:11 PM
>> Subject: Re: THE FURY OF ICU
>>  On Thu, 30 Apr 2009, mike coleman wrote:
>>> Ok he's banned to real-time posting until further notice
>>> On 4/30/09, trev <judge48 at> wrote:
>>>>> Jon Jarrett supplied the mailers.
>>>>> I have his address
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>  Okay, now I need more detailed instructions. Was I supposed to post 
>>> only
>>> as mails came in from then? From now I've caught up to this mail? What 
>>> about
>>> the other ones that I had something to say to, to the dusts of time with
>>> them? Surely, any time I actually post is real-time somewhere... Having 
>>> fun
>>> with concepts, yours,
>>>       Jon
>>> ObCD-R: Skyeklad - _Live_
>>> --
>>>      Jonathan Jarrett, Cambridge    jjarrett at
>>> =======================================================================
>>>  "With Capitalism, man exploits man.  With Socialism, it is exactly
>>> opposite"
>>>                  -Robert Anton Wilson

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