(OFF) Krankschaft Working For HW Mafioso

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Tue Apr 6 11:09:55 EDT 2010

On Sun, 14 Mar 2010, mike coleman wrote:

> BTW Steve, if you're seeing this, I noticed you're knocking out them 45's
> cheap....
> and you know I'd hold that single up against the entire rest of the ICU
> catalouge, and expect to wear the grooves off this 7th copy or so , so
> please try to find some love for me hidden deep down and hold one back.....

 	I also rather like that single. I'm hoping for a Krankschaft 
version of `Wrecker' now.

> Oh yeah, and Jon, if you're reading this....
> jack of shadows has become far and away my favorite track from PXR5, I am
> almost ready to act out the part in costume....

 	Do it right and you can probably make a small mint selling 
exercise DVDs to D&D players or similar... Yours,
 						  Jon ("now, just the 
small matter of the super-powers to sort out...")

       Jonathan Jarrett, Cambridge    jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk
  "With Capitalism, man exploits man.  With Socialism, it is exactly opposite"
 	                 -Robert Anton Wilson

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