Hawkwind Brew

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Mon Apr 12 11:40:40 EDT 2010

On Sun, 4 Apr 2010, displaced cowboy wrote:

> It's come to my attention that the "kids" on the other Hawkwind forum are
> buzzing about Hawkwind brew again.
> Didn't they have that last year and didn't Motorhead have that years ago and
> I suggest that it is a "politically incorrect" idea. While I am a former
> beer-nut, and I certainly always leave a soft spot in my heart for sloshy
> social merriment, Del Dettmar himself would tell you that alcohol can impede
> the abilty to hear Hawkwind music properly.

 	If Carl Anderson is still reading from amid the nappies and the 
linguistics, he may be able to give more detail on the story of his I'm 
about to tell, in which he followed the Reich plans and built a small-
scale orgone accumulator in which he deposited a homebrew vessel in order 
to brew `orgone beer'. I think that this would be `correct' in a number of 
ways higher than mere politics, if it ever happened and I didn't just make 
it up from my memories of long evenings drinking less exalted hop products 
with that same linguist now-parent... Yours,
 					     Jon (currently at 
approximately 35° from the present day and narrowing)

       Jonathan Jarrett, Cambridge    jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk
  "With Capitalism, man exploits man.  With Socialism, it is exactly opposite"
 	                 -Robert Anton Wilson

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