HW: Various...

Carl Edlund Anderson cea at CARLAZ.COM
Fri Apr 30 12:20:35 EDT 2010

Yeah, I understand the reasons that drive bands to thinking the "kaleidoscope of slightly different releases" is a good idea, but I think it just ultimately leads to disillusionment and cynicism on the part of the fans.

If the music is good enough to release -- then release it!  Otherwise, what's the point?

As for the "retreads" ... Well, Hawkwind retreads run the gamut from "awesome" (into which category I would place "Mask of Morning", or even the "Assault & Battery/Golden Void" from _Palace Springs_) to "lame" (e.g. the rather ho-hum "QS&C" from the '90s).


Carl Edlund Anderson

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