Hawkfest tickets

mike coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Sun Aug 1 20:45:47 EDT 2010

Hello shiny CD listeners....
that's because Dave was cheacking to see who took his advice on the SA LP.
and he might have wanted to see your pic(s).....
anyway, I'm totally kidding (or am I?)  I just wanted to say "hello shiny CD

On 8/1/10, John Majka <john.majka at gmail.com> wrote:
> Much like my attempt to get a new HW Passport.... I've applied at least
> five times, perhaps six, in the last two years, with passport photos and
> twenty dollars in cash each time, with absolutely no response.   :-(
> John Majka
> Hi...
>> Alright, where the hell are they?  Has ANYBODY received their ticket in
>> the mail?  The new FAQ on the Hawkfest site at hawkwind.com is
>> conveniently devoid of any information about exactly when tickets will be
>> mailed out.  I wrote to the address (Kris' mum, I guess) from which I
>> received the last email, asking about when they might be going out, and
>> hoping that they would actually send it to where I currently am, as opposed
>> to where I was over 3 months ago when I ordered the bloody thing (it hasn't
>> arrived there either, so my Mum tells me), but I received no reply.
>> Why don't they just NOT send out tickets in the mail, but rather just do a
>> print-your-own barcode thingy through your online order form, and then just
>> give you the commemorative ticket as a collector's item when you actually
>> arrive and show your ID at the gate?  (Since they don't seem to be able to
>> get around to having them printed for MANY MONTHS.)  You know, such
>> technology must exist now to handle that, even for a bunch as incompetent as
>> our friends at HW Mission Control.  :)
>> Yours cynically...Keith H.

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