(OFF) Re: BOC: Eerie Soundalike

mike c insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Tue Mar 22 14:26:41 EDT 2011

You certainly do, and we can share them them vicariously through you,
whatever vicariously means.
My suggestion was that if God had made the image, surely the
resurrection would have been depicted, or a perfect cross included.
I think naming the poor guy is blasphemous unless he can somehow tell
us his name.

On 3/22/11, Jonathan Jarrett <jjarrett at coriolis.greenend.org.uk> wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Feb 2011, mike coleman wrote:
>> speaking of Arthur, what do you think?  it IS a rocking
>> chair....."love" has never left (your side) (Jon), (this time I've
>> been in one of mywarps)
>> http://www.ktla.com/news/landing/ktla-jesus-image-in-chair,0,3187416.story
>  	Now, if the chair were in Austin TX, or even had been bought
> there, I'd suspect the God of Hellfire of having had a 1980s hand in that
> himself. It's certainly more a crown of flames than a crown of thorns,
> isn't it? You want timewarps, I got timewarps, etc. Yours,
>  							   Jon
> --
>        Jonathan Jarrett, Oxford       jjarrett at chiark.greenend.org.uk
>     =======================================================================
>   "With Capitalism, man exploits man.  With Socialism, it is exactly
> opposite"
>  	                 -Robert Anton Wilson

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