Merry Christmas

mike c insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Tue Dec 25 20:33:13 EST 2012

seriously people:
thank god we're alive to make a better reality I hope..
merry christmas. I just wish the apt office could have stayed open monday :)
off to mcdonalds

On 12/25/12, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
> I myself am currently going with this, though it becomes harder to
> trust in anything that insn't me!!  :)
> "not even if this jinxy jet should shake itself apart" :) :)
> On 12/25/12, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
>> I mean just look at the layers upon layers upon layers of deception.
>> Left to put hopes in the grays and maybe the concept of raising
>> humanty's vibration  could be yet another "harvest hoax"??
>> My inifinte god does not need to brag about knowing the endgame, who
>> will come back to "him" and who will not, nor need turn the whole
>> affair into a misery spectacle  :) :)
>> .
>> On 12/25/12, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
>>> sorry, previous message a bit spontaniouly flung due to crabbiness of
>>> moment:
>>> I think what I mean is.......IF Jesus is not just another part of a
>>> huge "alien" deception hoax, as I now suspect the whole of humanity
>>> may be simply an unimportant tool of the heiracrhy's wargames....then
>>> maybe Christmas should be celebrated all days EXCEPT this one!!!  ::)
>>> :)
>>> It is so obvious this lighting (storm) here is not good.
>>> Omens in the air
>>> On 12/25/12, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
>>>> yer all gona die!!!!
>>>> On 12/25/12, mary ann sullivan <maryann.sullivan1 at> wrote:
>>>>> writing to wish everyone on the list a merry Christmas, especially
>>>>> those
>>>>> to
>>>>> numerous to count by name.  With the new year, and hopefully a better
>>>>> computer, hopefully I'll be able to stay in touch better.
>>>>> Love,
>>>>> Mary

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