(OFF) McSuperstorm and supersize fries

Albert Bouchard altbouch at GMAIL.COM
Sat Nov 10 12:32:55 EST 2012

Controlling the weather? Pretty good trick IMHO. Couldn't have ANYTHING to do with global warming? Oh that's right we're responsible for that. Hmmm…

On Nov 10, 2012, at 12:27 PM, mike c wrote:

> Just lettin ya'll know
> I pay attention to things I hear, and many months ago the radio
> program I listen to made a VERY strange report :
> They said Russia and China were aware the USA was planning some kind
> of catastrophic event upon it's own.
> I somehow knew this was serious shit indeed, and have been "worried"
> about it since.
> Well
> My conclusion as of last night with the help of others is that:
> Sandy was a manfactured test, to see how the population would cope.
> Isn't it time to hear the bell???

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