MENU: HW plate Wilfried/Alfred

mike c insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 24 22:23:05 EDT 2013

Mistake, long hot day, niohing to see, move along, apologies, got
confused by "you can pay more" comment.
Thought there were a few being leaked

On 6/24/13, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
> Guys
> better press the buy button..
> On 6/24/13, mike c <insect.brain at> wrote:
>> On 6/24/13, Jonathan Smith <smithjm77x7 at> wrote:
>>> It is cancelled release. You buy it for even more here:
>> Hi Jonathan
>> I think it is just the LP version that was cancelled.
>> I ovversaw some maji-controlled internal communications and the thing
>> that was cancelled was called "DVX" or "DBX" (I think). But I did see
>> about the LP being cancelled. Which i assumed was that version
>> If you've hit vall out of the park with the hidden ones I will make
>> sure you get thanked.
>> I am sire the parts that did not cancelled and are for sale on eBay
>> are japanized hybrids of the Atomhenge product,.
>> This has been happening all across the board.

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