OFF: There's hope yet for all frustrated Kollektors!

mike c insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 8 22:12:52 EST 2013

that is SOOO cool!!!
I see god in it :) :)

On 3/8/13, Keith Henderson <khenders64 at> wrote:
> Hey Folks...
> FBI Tracks Down Elusive Picture-Disc Version Of Herb Alpert’s ‘Whipped Cream
> And Other Delights’
> WASHINGTON—Following a three-month search involving more than 1,000
> officers, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III announced Tuesday that his
> agency has located an elusive picture-disc pressing of the 1965 hit album
> Whipped Cream & Other Delights by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. “After
> canvassing hundreds of crates in Salvation Army locations across the
> country, as well as the pursuit of innumerable dead-end eBay leads, we can
> now confirm that this classic instrumental-pop record from the golden age of
> A&M is finally in FBI custody,” Mueller said while showing reporters the
> iconic image of a young woman covered in whipped cream on the color-vinyl
> album, which the bureau purchased from an online vintage LP forum user for
> $18.90 and a trade of four Stiff Little Fingers 7-inches. “It’s a little
> scratched up, but it’s still in good enough condition that it will continue
> to appreciate in value.” Mueller concluded by stating that an APB was
>  still out for the 1984 Poland-shaped single “Warsaw In The Sun” by
> Krautrock pioneers Tangerine Dream, and that anyone with information
> regarding its whereabouts should send an e-mail to fedvinylfreak at
> from The Onion....
> Keith H.

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