(STRAYED) HW Chicago Lounge Ax 1989

not yet deceased insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 21 11:49:36 EDT 2014

It was "star crossed" that was bewildering me, and it seems to come on
right before "the tomorrow people"

these shows are too "something" for me to watch....maybe it is "human edgy"

I wanted to get excited about the 100, so I ,looked it up and my spirits sunk

On 3/21/14, not yet deceased <insect.brain at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/21/14, Michael Holmes <M.Holmes at ed.ac.uk> wrote:
>> On 21/03/2014 15:01, not yet deceased wrote:
>>> You kids better hurry up ......turns out NASA has just annouced (via
>>> somebody with funky name) that the humans are "guilty exactly as I
>>> charged them", and you have no more than 3 decades (if that), left....
>> That's OK. Now that cosmic inflation has been confirmed, it's all but
>> certain there are multiple copies of us dotted around the unknown
>> universe. If civilisation collapses, it'll still keep going in the
>> copies.
>> FoFP
> I was thinking harvest time seems due any day, but how do we stop them
> repopulating us,,,,
> and
> I will LOVE calling the police on my neighbors if i suspect breeding :) :)

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