Yiddisch Space Ritual woman in shackles to Infinity Judaism

Mike Coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 6 13:46:15 EST 2015

I've only seen 2 episodes with the glossners and it looks like there's more-
part of the joke is that I have even watched "the middle" but I have to admit it is catching at 2 am.

IMHO the glossners are truly hilarious, and I am already plotting the punk rock band, so I call dibs on the name :)

As a result of this, I have been thinking to myself "I kinda like Raymond's wife (E. Loves Raymond) and Mike's" (the middle) and I wondered if it could be same actress but had decided it was not when i just found out it is.  I couldn't find lyrics to "strychnine woman" otherwise they would appear now as "space ritual woman"

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