HW book (ramble on)

Mike Coleman insect.brain at GMAIL.COM
Tue Sep 15 23:25:36 EDT 2015

"edge of Darkness does not take long to read."


Actually I probably did read the (open) copy i had prior to 2002.
I recall it was quite simple

Then, when finally re-established in a new life and in a place that was not a "zoo" and worried about things like getting mugged crossing the street for cigarettes or bullets coming though the window at night, my only copy was sealed until a couple years ago.

Now, the only thing stopping me is fear of soiling the book in the slightest way, and that is not a great fear.

I have also seen the new "spirit of Hawkwind" book with the link elsewhere and wow, if it is not slanted to piss off Hawkwind in any way, it sure does seem kinda nice and like it could be good for them.

Here's hoping

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