HW: Compilation Commentary

Carl E. Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Wed Mar 6 06:26:59 EST 1996

> "Universal Masters of Space Ridicule" would fit at this point.

        That, I think, says it all! :)

> >I'd go for that!!   Sputnik minus vocals would be a piece well worth
> >waiting for.     As far as I know the CD is going to be a double as
> >well as the vinyl so there may not be too much in the way of extraneous
> >extras.
> There is equipment that strips out vocals automatically.   Maybe we can do
> boots of Alien and the live CDs that are all instrumental.   Might outsell
> the originals.  Then there is the karioke (sp?) market.   Ron Tree night at
> the local pub.

        Hell, Alan's vocals are fine.  I don't remember whether Ron sang on
this or not from the live shows, but it's just his silly overdub on this
song from the studio version which is _really_ stupid sounding (doesn't
spoil my enjoyment of the song, which is the most HWish song on the album!)

        I tried the cheesy "Karoke pon" button on my overgrown boom-box and
discovered it mostly made HW sound silly, since the mix is too busy for
the computer to decide where the vocals are ;)
        It also failed shamefully to strip Lemmy's vocals from Motorhead ;)


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