HW: live & studio

Jon Jarrett jaj20 at HERMES.CAM.AC.UK
Tue May 21 08:28:51 EDT 1996

On Tue, 21 May 1996, Carl E. Anderson wrote:

> > For a very long time I ignored Doremi for the same reason. I only bought it as part of the remasters series.
> > However, the version of 'Time we left' is very different from SR.
>         Not only different but far superior!  Doremi is worth getting the
> remaster of for Time We Left alone!

        Concur! Agree! Indicate similar opinion! Not only is the Doremi
version longer, but it contains a `break-it-down-and-then-build-it-up-
again' bit that knocks the one in SR's `Orgone Accumulator' into the
proverbial cocked hat! Although I wouldn't want to say which _song_ is
the better...
 |         Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge                        |
 |         (01223 460728)                 jaj20 at hermes.cam.ac.uk           |
 | ========================================================================|
 |      "`It's a Venusian space bassist,' said Turner the bird being."     |
 |            (Hawkwind, sleeve notes to 'Doremi Fasol Latido')            |

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