HW: video list

Bernhard Pospiech bernhard.pospiech at GELSENKIRCHEN.NETSURF.DE
Sun Jan 19 11:08:54 EST 1997

Hi folks

Let's start with a small list

This list contains all known HAWKWIND official
and inofficial (bootleg) videos:

Some videos are complete gigs, other videos are only 5 minutes pieces

*) = official

Here it goes:

TOWN            HALL                    DATE
Dunstable       Civic Hall              07.07.72*)
Newcastle       City Hall               19.09.76
London  Marc Bolan Show 14.09.77*)
Newcastle       City Hall               20.09.77
Baden Baden     Studio                  14.02.81*)
Southampton     Gaumont         25.10.81*)
Edinburgh       Playhouse               21.10.82*)
Cricket St.Th   Wildlife Park           04.06.83*)
Ipswich Gaumont         09.03.84*)
Stonehenge      Festival                20.06.84*)
Newcastle       Mayfair                 21.11.84
Manchester      International           10.02.85
London  Television              16.04.85*)
Norwich Earlham Park            31.08.85*)
London  Hammersmith Odeon       03.12.85*)
Bristol         Festival                20.06.86*)
Reading Festival                24.08.86*)
Preston Guild Hall              03.12.86*)
Bochum  Zeche                   31.05.87
Finsbury Park   Acid Daze               23.08.87
Bridport        Beehive         10.03.89*)
Treworgey       Tree Fayre Festival     29.07.89*)
Toronto Spectrum                24.09.89
Somerville      East Cabaret            27.09.89
Cleveland       Phantasy Club           30.09.89
Chicago Lounge Axe              01.10.89
Santa Clara     One Step Byond  09.10.89
Nottingham      Lenton Lane Studios     25.01.90*)
Bournemouth     Academy         02.07.90*)
Boston          Channel Club            28.11.90
Washington      Club 9:30               02.12.90
Cleveland       Empire                  06.12.90
Chicago Cubby Bear              07.12.90
Willow Grove    Thirsty Whale           08.12.90
Minneapolis     Glam Slam               11.12.90
Denver          Mercury Club            13.12.90
Los Angeles     Lingerie                15.12.90
San Francisco   I - Beam                17.12.90
Portland        Day For Night           19.12.90
Bochum  Zeche                   19.03.91
Toronto Phoenix         16.05.91
Göteborg        Magasinet               28.09.91
Gimme ShelterSessions           01.01.92*)
Hemel           Pavillon                08.05.92
Cambridge       Corn Exchange   11.05.92
Brixton         Academy         15.08.92*)
Pentrich        Festival                31.07.93*)
Stuttgart       Röhre                   07.12.93
Genua           Albatross               19.10.94
Spilimbergo     Rototron                22.10.94
Springfield     Jaxx                    08.04.95
Madison Barrymore Theatre       18.04.95
Milwaukee       Shank Hall              20.04.95
Cardiff         St.Davids Hall          18.10.95
Bristol         Colston Hall            19.10.95*)
Bochum  Zeche                   26.10.95
London  VH1                     14.04.96*)
Burg Herzberg   Festival                21.07.96

That's all

If you wish, the tapes, gigs and track-listings will come later this week
as ZIP-files (MIME coded)


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