tBS: BoH

Brad M. Lauchnor blauchno at DEQ.STATE.UT.US
Wed Mar 12 11:19:41 EST 1997

Ok, I've listened to BoH about 100 times now. Love the album. I recorded the
start of St. Vitus and tried playing it backwards but the computer sound card
has too much noise. It muffles the recording. What is being said? Anyone figure
this out yet?

I also remember someone saying that they heard a short clip of Beavis (of Beavis
and Butthead fame) in the background  of one of the songs. Which song was it?

BoH is really a great album. I'm still laughing at cappuccino-

Brad L.   blauchno at deq.state.ut.us

Where's that confounded BOC album......

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