OFF: boots!

Carl Edlund Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Tue Mar 18 05:25:45 EST 1997

On mån 17 mar 1997 21.08 "Andrew Gilham" <Andy_Gilham at MSN.COM> wrote:

> >     Perhaps record companies could charge prices which were low enough
> > that small time (in comparison to record companies) boot-makers
> > couldn't compete? :)
> You mean the record companies shouldn't pay the artists, studios, etc,
> either, in an attempt to keep prices down? :)

     I thought here on boc-l we already knew they didn't do that anyway ;)

     No, seriously--CDs _are_ bizarrely inflated in price, especially
outside the US (there too, but not as bad).  Or it wouldn't be possible to
mail-order CDs from the US to UK for less than it costs in a UK shop!
(Which it not infrequently is ....)

> It's a quite common thing, though, for artists to release live albums
> specifically as "bootleg-killers" - one of the best known of these is
> Bowie's _David Live_, which was rush-released after the tour in question
> (Diamond Dogs, if memory serves) was extensively bootlegged.

     Zappa, of course :)

> Nearer to home, I wonder if that was part of the motivation behind both
> _Cult Classic_ and _Love in Space_?

     Can there possibly have been that much BOC booting going on?  I though
Cult Classic was primarily a move for the band to get versions of the songs
that they retained the rights too.
     Now, _LiS_, quite possibly.  But on the other hand, I think HW have
more to worry about in the question of the zillion+oneth release of old
dodgy recordings as yet another _Master of the Universe_ compilation.  This
slew of CD-R boots in the last year or so I think has been sold to a fairly
limited audience of people who had already bought most everything else :)
     Also, there's so much good stuff that HW _could_ release to forestall
booting.  I think they should embark on a scheme like the Dead did, of a
series of old concert recordings that have been cleaned up.  Like _Live 74_
and the _Astounding Live_ recordings except with a somewhat stricter
release schedule :)  Weren't the Allman Bros.  considering doing this as
well (especially as they seem to have gone back to treading water)?
Where's a legit release of the material on the Secret Teepee boot?  I'd
sell a few internal organs off for that :)

     And where oh where are the CD releases of the Weird Tapes?  And while
we're at it, why not some good quality releases of compilations of some of
the more obscure material from random lost singles and things?

     Not that I can afford all this :)  but I hope to :)


Carl Edlund Anderson                           "So that's Terra.  Oohwee,
cea20 at                             look out wenchlings, here    come the Hawklords."
Dept. of ASNAC, University of Cambridge            -Lord Lemmy (Hawkwind)

> - Andy
> ObComet: You get a really good view of Hale-Bopp from the cockpit of a
737 at
> 35,000 feet :)
> Andy Gilham/Andy_Gilham at at

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