HW - Rarest?

J Strobridge eset08 at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Mon Nov 17 12:43:50 EST 1997

Miikka Wagner writes:

> >Lord of Light/Born To Go, German 7"
> Especially when writed wrong (lihgt)

yeah - wasn't sure whether to spell it wrong when originally listing it!
There is also, in fact, a version of the cover with the correct spelling
and I'm not, in honesty sure which is the rarer - possibly the latter
since the only ones I've ever seen or heard about had Lihgt writted

> >Sonic Attack 7" promo - in cloth bag (there are some around but check
> >for frauds - around 100 pounds with the bag)
> I saw this once not so long time ago. It´s cost 250£!!

ouch!    That's inflation for you.

> >Hawkfan 12 (not strictly all Hawkwind but there's enough to make it
> >collectable - with all bits and the plastic bag it's almost unfindable
> >anywhere unless you get very lucky - almost priceless I'd say!)
> I have this one, without bag :-((  AARRGG  Can someone help?? Okey, okey I
> know that no one have spare bag, but at least I try.

The problem with the bag is that it's plastic and therefore inevitably
biodegradable.   I touch mine gently every now and again wondering
about the best way to conserve a thin plastic bag (somewhat ironic when
the whole of the rest of the world is trying to discover the best way of
disposing of the things).    But that's Hawkwind kollecting for you....


J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk                         eset08 at holyrood.ed.ac.uk
                                                ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk

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