HW Shepherds Bush

J Strobridge eset08 at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Fri Oct 24 08:18:03 EDT 1997

Jon Browne writes:

> Spiritualized have just announced a benefit gig for La Monte Young (who
> is quoting the NME, quoteing Brian Eno "the grandaddy of us all") with
> Pulp and others at the Barbican on ..........OCT 31! What to do? Have
> the recent dates not really been up to snuff?
> I'm most probably going to be at Shepherd's Bush but Spiritualized were
> *fantastic* when I saw 'em.....Bugger!

Well if any venue is going to have visiting players / strolling
minstrels / casual passers-by joining the band on stage then I guess
Shepherd's Bush is the one - still if you miss it then there's always
Guildford the next night 8-)

I'm going to be struggling to make it to Shepherd's Bush tho - can
anyone tell me EXACTLY where it is and where the nearest tube station
is.   If I'm coming down at all then I'll have to fly into Heathrow or
Gatwick I guess.

problems, problems.......


obRegradingPeeve> downwards  8-(

J.D.Strobridge at ed.ac.uk                         eset08 at holyrood.ed.ac.uk
                                                ELIJSA at srv0.arts.ed.ac.uk

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