OFF: Needle Moose and tall people

Daniel Wikdahl mpj95wid at MC.HIK.SE
Tue Sep 9 16:40:18 EDT 1997

I wrote:
>> is smaller than the American version. But everything is bigger overthere
>> -the trees, the moose, the bears, the people, the cars etc -so maybe the
>> US/Canadian moose is called ALCES ALCES... I dunno... )

theo says:

>Well, i'm up for another geography lesson...First off, i know that
>Daniel, Christian and Jon AREN'T Dutch.  And I can't speak for
>Scandinavia, but the tallest people I ever saw were in Holland.  I
>don't think there's a person in the whole country--man or
>woman--under six feet tall.  I don't know how many cm that is, but i
>guess it's a lot.  So not everything American is bigger...

I didn't mean big as in tall...
Sweden used to have the tallest people in the world (with the exception
some obscure tribes in Africa, which seldom are count in comparisons like this
one) but last year or so the Dutch people grew ;-) and became the tallest.
When I visited Holland this summer quite many told me this (including Jerrys
brother... I think... I was little bit dizzy at the moment) and when I came
home again I didn't took a long time until I'd read 3-4 press items about it
in Swedish newspapers.
I think this is a quite interresting question and really would like to
know why this has happened. I mean the living standard in Sweden are not as
high as it used to be but at the same time it's not _that_ much below what
it was before the economic crisis.
It can have something to do with the large number of immigrants that have come
to Sweden in the 80s and the 90s.

[Only the following countries in Europe have more _refugees_
than Sweden :Bosnia, Germany, Russia, Yugoslavia (Serbia), Croatia.
After Sweden comes France and then Switzerland. And you have to keep in mind
that Swedens native population is not big (now approx. 7.5 millions)]

[...and I hope you understand that eventhough this might sound "not
political correct" maybe even as a rascists thoughts... that is not all what
I intended's just possible explanations and the way things works...]


"Vadå jultraditioner? Hos oss har vi nya traditioner varje år" (CG)

Daniel Wikdahl
Kaptensgatan 2a
S-39 236 KALMAR
 +46 480 245 11

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