OFF: French Revolution ? (Was Re: OFF: Geezer...Black Scienc

Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Tue Apr 21 14:44:52 EDT 1998

>> From:          Kenneth Magnusson

> >I imagine it was just that Rainbow were all so jealous of Rush!  I'm
> >surprised that they didn't copy By-Tor & the Snow Dog, or Am I Going
> >Bald, or The Trees, rather than BD?  What's up with those guys?
> Yepp, I can almost see Ritchie and Ronnie smiling through I Think I'm Goin
> Bald, inspiring Ronnie to do a follow-up called I Wish I Were Longer.
Well, for sure, Ronnie must be jealous of Geddy's voice [and his

> >Hmm...A lot of people voted for Ronald Reagan too!
> Yes, of course, I think his politics stinks, but one can't deny his skills,
> he really accomplished what he set out to do, lowering the taxes and sink
> the Sovietunion, the first at enormous costs for the poor of the US.
Funny, my taxes went up every year during his reign.  See, I'm a
working stiff.  Only people whose taxes went down in those years were
rich people who didn't need the tax break anyway.  Far as the Soviet
Union, they fell apart under the weight of their bureaucracy.  Dutch
had nothing to do with it.  BTW, this great patriot who was supposed
to get the government off people's backs saw the federal gov't grow
more during his admin than any other US pres.!

> What worries me is that people buy Stones albums.
Well, I agree with ya on that one!  Though I hear the albums don't
sell too well, yet people go to their infernal concerts.  I work
right near the venue for last week's show.  You should see the crowd.
 All yuppie assholes desperately trying not to look like the
pathetic, uncool morons they are...

> >Methinks thou doth protest too much...
> I don't know why people put down Rush and their fans, we are rather serious
> about our favourite band, so I might be rather agitated sometimes. On the

The only reason I pick on ya is 'cause you all are such easy targets!
If even a single Rush fan would admit:  Yeah, I know Geddy's voice is
an embarassment, and the lyrics are silly, but I like the band
anyway,  I'd probably leave them alone.  But people feel a need to
defend them so much that I can't resist.  Christian, help,. I'm

> other hand I don't put people down for liking bands like UFO or Status Quo,
> who in my opinion are plain stupid, totally unbearable. And there is also
> the fact that english is not my first language so sometimes when I try to
> joke and forgets the smiler no-one will notice my intent.
Well, BOC has had it's share of bombers too, but I freely admit them!


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