Hall, Russell J russell.j.hall at LMCO.COM
Wed Apr 22 06:46:09 EDT 1998

I have both the video and the CD.  From what I saw, I do not believe
that there
is any difference between them (nothing cut).  Alas, the sound quality
is the same.

However, its one thing to hear a live concert (poor quality and all),
its another to
SEE and hear it.  I love watching the video after someone posts a review
of yet another
concert that I was unable to attend (sniff), and thus ease my sorrow :)

For me, who only started getting into BOC late in life :(, its great to
see the old line up and
especially see the 5 Guitar Attack.

My advice is . . . Get It!

> ----------
> From:         Nick English[SMTP:nick at THECAMPUS.COM]
> Reply To:     BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
> Sent:         Wednesday, April 22, 1998 1:17 AM
> To:   Multiple recipients of list BOC-L
> Subject:      LIVE 1976 VIDEO
> Anyone ever seen the BOC Live 1976 video? I ran across it at a store
> has the same cover as that poor quality CD that's been
> popping up at record stores over the past couple years. I bought the
> CD recently, but was disappointed with the sound. Is the video any
> better? I'm really interested, but wary nonetheless.
> Can anybody help?
> --Nick

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