PF's Larry & Paul (was: HW: another compliation)

Doug Pearson ceres at SIRIUS.COM
Wed Apr 29 15:30:13 EDT 1998

on Wed, 29 Apr 1998 18:43:12 +0100, M S Wright <M.S.Wright at READING.AC.UK>

>p.s I cannot remember if Jill said she liked the Pink Fairies' 'No
>picture', and as she appears to be the only other person who still buys
>new twink stuff I still stand by my warning against it. As Philosophical
>Phil said back in October 1996 "Let's face it, you couldn't really call it
>the Fairies without Larry." and it ain't got Larry.

Does this mean that 'NeverNeverLand' and 'What a Bunch of Sweeties' aren't
"real" Pink Fairies albums!?!?!  I would beg to differ!  Much as I love
'Kings of Oblivion' (and the "Screwed Up" EP), I think that the first two
albums are the "core" PF recordings.  And the two tracks on 'Glastonbury
Fayre' blow away the 'Live at the Roundhouse' LP.

Of course, I'll admit that I haven't yet heard either 'Pleasure Island' or
'No Picture' ... I'm kinda wary of any new Twink stuff, and I've heard
mixed opinions ... but are they really worse than 'Kill 'em and Eat 'em'?

         ceres at

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