OFF: UK Charts

BREVARD, Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Tue Aug 4 10:17:49 EDT 1998

>See _Lost in Space_ instead, and stay
>>for Apollo 440 over the end credits!

>Really?  I thought _Lost in Space_ was aggressively
unremarkable.  So it goes.  I'm pinning my hopes on _The Avengers_

My kids seemed to enjoy Lost in Space.  I haven't seen a single movie
this summer, personal boycott or just no time, I dunno which.  I'm
always in another room or just missing stuff on the Avengers.  Who's in
this one?  Not sure I wanna try, most of these retro re-makes, (Lost in
Space/Mission Impossible) leave me flat.

> So THAT's who it was - unfortunately my kids were in a hurry to go, but I
was enjoying it much more than any other blockbuster "close-out" music
I've  heard in a long while.  It's a better movie too.

Heard that Armaggedon is too noisy, 'Zilla too much hooey, Saving
Private Ryan too bloody.  Think I'll go for the safe eye candy and check
out Catherine Zeta-Jones in Zorro.

Ghost in the Ruins

"...all that and a bag a chips too!" - Johhny Bravo

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