Weird tapes & dates

M Holmes fofp at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK
Thu Dec 3 09:23:12 EST 1998

Trying to put these in order now. Does anyone have info or guesses as to
which tours the missing tracks are from or which are simply studio

Weird 101 - Sonic Assassins/ Dave Brock

TRACK                   DATE            TOWN, VENUE

Over the Top            23.12.77        Barnstaple ???
Magnu                    ?               ?     ?
Angels of Life           ?               ?     ?
Freefall                23.12.77        Barnstaple ???
Death Trap              23.12.77        Barnstaple ???
The War                  ?               ?     ?

Weird 102 - Hawkwind Live/ Hawklords

TRACK                   DATE            TOWN, VENUE

Quark,Strangeness&Charm ??.03.78        USA
Masters of the Universe  ?               ?     ?
Welcome to the Future    ?               ?     ?
Spirit of the Age       ??.03.78        Chicago
Sonic Attack             ?               ?     ?
Watchfield/Stonehenge  (Festival HAWK1 - UK LP)     [Also Weird 103]

Original has "Hawkwind Roadies Erecting Scenery" cover.  Label says band
is "The Hawks", credit goes to "Bob and the Hawks" Rereleased in various
covers and with various titles, "Live and Buzzing", "Alive and Kicking"
and "Live at Stonehenge".  Bootleg of Weird 103 tape.

TRACK                   DATE            TOWN, VENUE

High Rise               22.06.77        Stonehenge Festival
Damnation Alley         22.06.77        Stonehenge Festival
Uncle Sam's on Mars     22.06.77        Stonehenge Festival
Robot                   22.06.77        Stonehenge Festival
Cake Out                23.08.75        Watchfield Festival
Circles                 23.08.75        Watchfield Festival
Elements                23.08.75        Watchfield Festival
Slap it on de Table      ?               ?     ?
W104 - Hawklords Live        23.11.1978               Cass. Plymouth

Weird 105 - Hawkwind 1976-77

There were two versions of this tape released, the second being released
when the earlier one was withdrawn.

TRACK                   DATE            TOWN, VENUE

Flying Doctor            ?               ?     ?
Back on the Streets      ?               ?     ?
Paranoia                 ?               ?     ?
Chronoglide Skyway       ?               ?     ?
Back on the Streets      ?               ?     ?
Assassins of Allah       ?               ?     ?
Forge of Vulcan          ?               ?     ?
Steppenwolf              ?               ?     ?
Where are they Now?      ?               ?     ?
Back on the Streets      ?               ?     ?
Chronoglide Skyway       ?               ?     ?
Brainstorm               ?               ?     ?
Wind of Change           ?               ?     ?
Assassins of Allah       ?               ?     ?
Forge of Vulcan          ?               ?     ?
Steppenwolf              ?               ?     ?
Where are they Now?      ?               ?     ?


- 05.10.76 London
- ??.06.77 XXXXX

Weird 106 - Hawkwind 1970-73

TRACK                   DATE            TOWN, VENUE

Born To Go              Greasy Truckers Party
Master of the Universe  Greasy Truckers Party
Jam                      ?               ?     ?
Hurry on Sundown        Text of Festival
Came Home                ?               ?     ?
We Do It                Text of Festival
Earth Calling           BBC Transcription Disc

Weird 108 - Hawkwind 1966-73

TRACK                   DATE            TOWN, VENUE

Space is Deep           Space Ritual
Live and Let Live        ?               ?     ?
Etchanatae               ?               ?     ?
Dreaming                Text of Festival
Shouldn't Do That       Text of Festival

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