HW: Distand Horizons/Dave Brock etc

sprawl sprawl at BLACKBOARD.COM
Mon Feb 2 07:32:43 EST 1998

hi Guy,
not a personal issue at all, but since this was posted in direct reponse to my
post, i feel i need to respond.
i said nothing that didnt come first hand, while my wife was trying to make travel
arrangements for a band that was growing increasingly worried about said
arrangements. dave called her during one of the studio recording sessions, and
said what i posted.  and while doug is obviously doing a fine job in the capacities
you mentioned, he DOES act as manager. who was it who mediated the whole US tour
from england?  Doug.

the point is, no one attacked doug. two people stated their personal experiences.
this is a discussion list. discussions are likely to take place. ive spoken to doug
a few times, and he seems like a nice person. that doesnt mean that HW might not be
a little better off making a few more of their decisions for themselves.  i dont
pretend to know the way things work over there, but i do know that doug does make
bigger decisions than when and by whom album-x is going to be released.

i wouldnt say the album's wishy-washiness has anything to do with doug. i still
firmly believe it was a time-issue, compounded by the recent changes within the
band, as i have said before.

but, you have made some valid points about improving the lot of HW collectors out
there. i've seen that for myself. =)

sorry if any of this seems nasty, i am a bit tired, and am typing to fast, most

> The next album hopefully will be back on course (just like Quark was), so let's
> not try and blame somebody else for a temporary laps in the band's creativity.
> Yes Doug did encourage the band to be hasty, but only because they had been
> months and months trying to finish the album. There was a tour looming
> imminently to promote it, and there's no point in doing an album-specific tout,
> with no album to promote! Hawkwind have had quite a few releases, well after
> the tour has been finished before, so why not try and get it out on time!

that's all that was said, wasn't it?

> Yes, Doug does have interests in other bands, but don't lets all assume those
> interests are at the expense of Hawkwind.

well, at the time, the BAND felt that way. and again, that's all that was said.

have a good day, man
rj (slinking off to bed)

> Guy Thomas
>  --------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Actually, the way I figure (which may be wrong), Doug Smith had
>  > something to do with it.  After all, consider that the band were
> > apparently REALLY pissed off at him for - as I recall - being hasty and
> > encouraging the band to be hasty with Distant Horizons.  Please correct
> > me if I'm wrong.
> i don't know if that is right or wrong. what i do know about it is that they
> were pissed because the travel arrangements were never made for the US tour
> until it was so close that they almost didnt make it.  something about
> managing chumbawumba in germany instead.but  i HAD considered what you're
> saying  a possibility.
> rj

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