OFF: Tangerine Dream

Mark Edmonds mmje at MMJE.DEMON.CO.UK
Thu Feb 19 17:15:36 EST 1998

In message <199802192113.QAA05564 at>, John Majka
<flossbac at WCIC.ORG> writes

<TD masters comments>

If have nearly all the Virgin-era remasters as well as all the earlier
Ohr period Castle re-masters. I can't really comment on the latter discs
as with the exception of Atem, I never had the first generation CDs.

However, for the Phaedra to Hyperborea re-masters, they are much much
better than the original issues with much more sparkle and "tzing" as
well as being mastered at a higher volume level. I am slightly
suspicious of what techniques were used during the remastering and
wouldn't be surprised if something like an aural exciter got stuck in
the chain but whatever, they do sound better and if you are really into
that era of TD then they are essential.

To answer which are available - all the albums from Electronic
Meditation through to Hyperborea with the exception of Sorcerer (this
could really do with a remaster) and the '70-'80 set. I'm not exactly
sure on the label situation but Electronic Meditation to Green Desert
are on Castle and I _think_ the rest which were once Virgin are now on
Castle somehow.

Just out of idle observation, I have also been getting the Led Zep,
Sabbath, Motorhead, Rush and of course HW remasters. Strictly in my
opinion, the Led Zep discs are by far the best for sound quality (jaw
dropping in places) followed by TD and then (surprise) Motorhead and
Rush with HW and Sabbath next on an even level. No doubt which have the
best packaging though!

Getting back on track, the TD discs are definitely worth getting.


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