HW:Origins of Assassins of Allah.

Kevin Perry kevin.perry at VIRGIN.NET
Sun Jan 11 14:24:12 EST 1998

Hassan I Sahba is a translation from the Persian/Arabic(?) of 'Old Man of
the Mountains', which was the title of the leader of the Assassins
(Hasishim), an offshoot Muslim sect.

I think they got there before Bryan since the Assassins were formed sometime
before 1000AD :-)

Kevin Perry
Sonic Energy Authority

-----Original Message-----
From: M S Wright <M.S.Wright at READING.AC.UK>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Date: 11 January 1998 16:49
Subject: HW:Origins of Assassins of Allah.

>Dear HW experts, and comix fans
>I have recently bought a collection of Bryan Talbot's early comic strips
>(entitled The eX-directory, the secret files of Bryan Talbot!, published
>by Knockabout Comics, for those of you who care). He started off doing
>underground comics before getting on to Luther Arkwright (inspiration for
>such fantastic musical oddities as 'The Luther Arkwright Experience') and
>other more mainstream stuff. However his 1st commercial strip was
>published in 1976 and is called Hassan-i-Sabbah. The strip 1st appeared in
>Seed, then in Homegrown. As the HW track was recorded in Feb 77 it is
>possible that Bob read about it in this strip, bearing in mind the company
>he used to keep in those days. Can anyone enlighten me to the first
>appearance of the HW song or lyrics?

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