HW: Two questions

Steven Davies-Morris davmor at DELTANET.COM
Tue Jan 20 11:17:31 EST 1998

I had no idea that the excellent Small Faces got so stiffed.  Very sad to
hear, indeed.  I remember a benefit concert being done for Ronnie Lane,
who was (I'm told) a really nice man.  It's a shame that one was even

Good to hear the HW really hasn't suffered in this department as much as
I thought.  It must just be the constant repackaging by Trojan that made
me think they'd lost more than they did.

When I ordered *Epitaph* from Digital Global Mobile I got a dissertation
(from Fripp, I presume!) about the real workings of recording industry
contracts.  As a software developer I thought that my industry was full
of pirates...compared to the typical record company, software outfits are
meek little lambs.  The very worst in DGM's assessment is Virgin.  I was
shocked at that, given the *hippiness* of its origins.  It made for some
very interesting reading.

Steven Davies-Morris davmor at deltanet.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Browne <jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK>
To: Multiple recipients of list BOC-L <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
Date: Tuesday, January 20, 1998 5:32 AM
Subject: Re: HW: Two questions

>In article <005301bd251c$05ff6ea0$0adddedf at spock.dmsgalh.com>, Steven
>Davies-Morris <davmor at DELTANET.COM> writes
>>Isn't this true!  Nobody's catalog has been ripped off..er..*reissued
>>sans band involvement* <grin> as much as Hawkwind, with the
>>possible exception (perhaps) of Sweet.
>I think probably the Small Faces lost more than just about anyone. They
>lost 100% entirely *everything*. It wasn't until Kenny joined The Who
>that he had any money to legally pursue Immediate and even then it took
>another what, 10 years to get anything. Ronnie Lane lived in abject
>poverty with Multiple Scerosis for nearly 20 years after writing a
>couple of the most beautiful albums ever recorded, including the
>psychedelic pop masterpiece Ogden's Nut Gone Flake. Rotten Bastards.
>The Hawks by comparison haven't really done too badly in this respect,
>having lost control of only the one set of tapes, I believe, to Trojan.
>It looks worse than it is because it's the same tapes over and over.
>Anyway, The Hawks legit releases bleed me white as it is! I'm still
>waiting for the EBS - CD releases of Sonic Attack and Choose Your
>Masques to drop below £16/$25. Sorry, but for Sonic Attack, this will be
>the fourth time I've sprung for this album and I'm not paying more than
>£10/$15 this time. So guys, if you're reading, time to move these two to
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