HW: Two questions

Hardman DK D.K.Hardman at CITY.AC.UK
Tue Jan 20 11:51:27 EST 1998

On Tue, 20 Jan 1998 cannibal at CUTEY.COM wrote:

> At 08:17 20.01.98 -0800, Steven Davies-Morris wrote:
>  The very worst in DGM's assessment is Virgin.  I was
> >shocked at that, given the *hippiness* of its origins.  It made for some
> >very interesting reading.
> Well, Richard Branson discarded that image for his "high adventuring
> multibillionaire" schtick long ago... Virgin are a massive corporation
> (hell, they even had a Virgin airline going at one point).

If memory serves correct, and maybe someone can confirm this for me,
Branson sold off Virgin records, so it's actually now Virgin only in name
but actually owned by someone else. But Virgin Atlantic is still going
strong, and is Branson's. (I've flown them, and very good they were

> (Speaking of airlines, front page news here in Norway concerns a confused
> drunk Norwegian man trying to force his way out of a passenger plane at 30
> 000 feet over India to hail a Taxi... he was clocked by a sober Dane before
> any catastrophies occurred.)

Talking of travelling stories, there was one in the press here a couple of
months back...An elderly couple saw an advert inviting people to visit the
BBC's Web Site. So, they got in their car and drove a hundred miles to the
BBC in London :-)



David Hardman                           "When your back's against the
HCI Design Centre                        wall, you've got to turn round
School of Informatics                    and march forward!"
City University
Northampton Square                       John Major, ex-Prime Minister
London EC1V 0HB

Phone: +44 0171 477 8152
Fax:   +44 0171 477 8859
E-mail: D.K.Hardman at city.ac.uk

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