HW: Huw/Widomaker,/etc.

Mark Edmonds mmje at MMJE.DEMON.CO.UK
Mon Jan 26 14:48:27 EST 1998

In article <1833501023011998/A03997/LNMV02/11C1BAB22000*@MHS>, LN1GJT
<Guy.Thomas at LONDON.ENTOIL.COM> writes
>I only ever saw bob perform once, that was with the band at Ramsgate, in May
>1984. The band were really relaxed and Calvert was superb with his brass
>megaphone - I've even got a great tape of that gig too! It would have made a
>great video - alas, missed oportunities!

Was that The Battle of the Bands contest gig? If so, I was there also -
any chance of getting a copy of that tape? I had my camera at the gig
but somehow got sand in the mechanism and the camera failed just when I
needed it! Sod's law!



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