(A little) OFF: My 'State of the Art'

Ted Jackson jr. 6L6 tojackso at LIBRARY.SYR.EDU
Wed Jan 28 07:54:51 EST 1998

> From:          Troy Harris <fiskare at WEBCONCEPT.COM.AU>
 >This is all true.  But really, what do BOC have to gain by a new
> >album?  Do any of us think that the new album will propel them to
> >playing bigger gigs?  And, I'd suggest that the same arguments I put
> >forth would have held true five years ago.  I think, regretably, that
> >the damage had already been done.  The time for a new record would
> >have been right after CN or Imaginos.  And whether 5 years ago or
> >now, isn't BD still the songwriting source for the band?
>  Hey ERic can write ditties when he wants to...as can A.L..........remember
> such numbers as "Veteran" and "Feel the Thunder"?  Not to mention some
> others too...give them a break!  Have some faith in old people.....
> Troy

I wasn't meaning to demean EB or AL in any way.  Believe me, man,
nothing would please me more than to see those 2 churning out tune
after tune.  But after AoF, EB's songwriting tailed off
significantly, and AL never wrote too many songs.  I was never trying
to bash EB, I just don't understand the creative funk he's been in
lately.  I wouldn't even care if EB didn't write new songs if he
could just get back his old stage persona...

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