MotorHead & Legendary Pink Dots Reccommendations please

Carl Edlund Anderson cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Wed Jul 22 07:20:10 EDT 1998

> (Saw them last year, though, and they just weren't loud enough.)

     I still maintain that this was the result of regulation from
the Corn Exchange itself, which usually turns out pretty quiet
gigs :P  Motorhead have been a _hell_ of a lot louder when I've seen
them elsewhere.  They were fabulously loud at the Astoria in
January 97  :) (I think it was)
     While I'll probably hit the Cambridge gig in October, I'm
seriously considering the London show (or maybe Nottingham) as
an added bonus :)

     Ah, and the _On Parole_ remaster is an excellent example of
early and atypical Motorhead.  The "slow blues" Iron Horse kicks
major butt! :)


Carl Edlund Anderson
Dept. of Anglo-Saxon, Norse, & Celtic
St. John's College, University of Cambridge
mailto:cea20 at

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