HW: MP3s of _Kings of Speed, Lords of Light_ bootleg CD

Paul Mather paul at GROMIT.DLIB.VT.EDU
Wed Jul 22 14:07:46 EDT 1998

Here's the next installment of MP3s made from available bootleg CDs.
Since BOC went last time, it's Hawkwind's turn this time. :-)

The source for the current crop of nine MP3s is the Hawkwind bootleg
live CD, _Kings of Speed, Lords of Light_.  I converted the tracks
exactly as they came off the CD: no editing, polishing, etc.  (You get
what you pay for.:)  I've compressed at 128 KBit/s bitrate, like before,
using l3enc V2.00 on a Sun Sparc Ultra, so the sound quality is close to
the original CD.  (But, again, if anyone knows of any better freeware/
shareware MPEG audio compressors for Unix, let me know!)

Does anyone know for sure where this gig is from?  The back of the CD
says Detroit, USA, but I dimly recall someone on here saying it's from
Bochum, Germany.  Can anyone supply the date and venue?

The files can be obtained via anonymous ftp from gromit.dlib.vt.edu, in
directory /pub/boc-l/koslol (ftp://gromit.dlib.vt.edu/pub/boc-l/koslol/).
Remember to transfer these in binary mode.  Also, once again, you are
welcome to copy these files, but please do not link to them within WWW
pages, as I don't want them to show up on search engines.

Below is the message file for the directory:

This directory contains MPEG Layer 3 audio files taken from the live
bootleg CD, Hawkwind, _Kings of Speed, Lords of Light_, compressed with
a 128 Kbit/s bitrate.  The contents are as follows:

Track           Time    Size(K) Contents
=============== =====   =====   ========
track_1.l3-128k  5:11   4864    Needle Gun / Starflight
track_2.l3-128k  9:04   8496    Ejection / Time We Left This World Today
track_3.l3-128k 12:26   11664   Blue Shift / The Right Stuff /
                                Out of the Shadows
track_4.l3-128k 10:33   9888    Snake Dance / Night of the Hawks
track_5.l3-128k 12:24   11624   Levitation / You Know You're Only Dreaming /
                                Arrival In Utopia / Paranoia (tease)
track_6.l3-128k  5:43   5360    Master of the Universe
track_7.l3-128k  7:00   6568    The Golden Void
track_8.l3-128k  7:18   6840    Paranoia, Part 2 / Hassan I Sahbah
track_9.l3-128k  9:08   8576    LSD



ob2CD-R: Warren Haynes, Flood Zone, Richmond, VA, 4/27/93

e-mail: paul at gromit.dlib.vt.edu

"I didn't mean to take up all your sweet time"
        --- James Marshall Hendrix

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